- Writing a lot !
Hey dudes ! lol xD
This is very different to me, trust me. Well let me explain why I'm writing in English. Well I have plans to move somewhere in the states after finishing high school. And my English SUCKS, that's why I'm writing in English. I'm writing without using google translate or something, but of course if It's a hard word in Swedish that I can't write in English I will translate on google translate. But the majority of everything I'm writing in my blog will be translated by my self.
And It's you readers job to comment and tell me every single wrong thing I write !
So, I'm a Serbian girl who lives in Sweden and has a blog where I'm writing in English
Postat av: nattiz ♥
looking good! but im to tired to correct your text, haha! <3
Postat av: Emilie
Men vad är det jag hör!!!??? Ska du flytta till staterna efter Gymnasiet??? Det gillar vid :D Plugga? Au Pair? Något annat? Tell me!!! Vart vill du åka?